At This Point…

Where the Seth Rich murder leads

By Andres Ligne and Audrey Anderson

There can, by now, be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Donna Brazille, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, John Podesta, George Soros and their financiers John Doerr, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Elon Musk, Vinod Khosla and the Silicon Valley Oligarchs will lie, cheat, bribe, steal and murder.

All of these people, and their associates, are proven criminals. They have all been caught, in multiple investigations.

Did John Podesta and Debbie Wasserman point the guns at Seth Rich and pull the triggers, probably not?

Did they order the murder of Seth Rich? Possibly.

Did they order the murders of the over one hundred other connected dead people? Maybe not all of them.

Why would these people kill, lie, hack, character assassinate and rig elections?

Are they so into their political party that they believe, Hitler-like, that all ends justify the means? Would they put Conservatives in ovens if they thought they could get away with it?


Were the bucket-loads of crony government cash they were hauling off to the Cayman Islands just too sweet a deal to let guys like Seth mess up?

The answer is almost certainly the later.

Their facade front company: Google, has daily cash going out the door that sometimes exceeds one hundred million dollars.

Stop and think about that, a company, that their boss Obama gave a monopoly too, shells out $100M in a single day. Google has so much extra money that its staff buy private rockets, space parachutes and other Frat boy crap just to say “look at me!”. The Wasserman/Podesta folks get bribes and “fees” from Google, Facebook, Sony Pictures, et al. What are a few dead bodies in exchange for excess to $100M/Day?

Donna Brazille, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, John Podesta, George Soros and their financiers John Doerr, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Elon Musk, Vinod Khosla and the Silicon Valley Oligarchs certainly killed Seth Rich, Rajeeve Motwani, Gary D. Conley, David Bird and many more in order to keep their scam going.

Their deal has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with a criminal operation.

The Special Counsel is run by Obama/Hillery buddies. Expect nothing from that office. The FBI boss just got fired for running cover for these people. Expect nothing from the FBI. The SEC and FTC are still run by Obama/Hillary insiders. Expect nothing from them. Local police are afraid of budget cuts. Expect nothing from them.

Expect only one entity to take action.

Expect only one body to fix this: The voters and the massed alliance of the public that can see that something is terribly, horribly wrong are the last hope here.

Rage. Raise Hell. Fill the media with your angst and ennui. Bankrupt the companies of the corrupt. Do not be a sheep, be a bull. Tell your stock-brokers to remove your funds from NASDAQ.

Conduct citizen arrests. Fill the web with web sites that demand resolution. Do not go quietly into your idiot-box.

Stand up and stand for something!